September 26, 2023
Episode 60: The Intersection of SaaS Solutions, Services, and Team Impact with Dr. Alison Eyring
Today’s episode of The Future of Teamwork welcomes Dr. Alison Eyring, Founder and CEO of Produgie, a SaaS platform that helps businesses align, accelerate, and amplify leader and team impact. During her conversation with show host and HUDDL3 CEO Dane Groeneveld, the two cover topics like what it is like to create a SaaS platform to address a problem, the growing importance of services for SaaS businesses, and growing customer needs without being an endless consultant. Additionally, the two cover a slew of topics including team cultures and dynamics, the role of conflict in innovation, psychometric assessments, and so much more.
Guest Bio
I’m the Founder and CEO of Produgie ( which is a B2B SaaS business I incubated and then spun out from another company I founded in 2000 called Organisation Solutions. I’m a science-loving geek with a Ph.D. in organizational psychology and decades of experience enabling business growth & transformation. I published Pacing for Growth in 2017 based on my experience as an endurance athlete which I connected to business growth, and I serve as an Adjunct Prof at the NUS Business School. My greatest achievement? I’m still married to the same guy after more than 30 years and our daughters are now studying at university and are wonderful people. I hope to leave this earth a better place because of my service and passion.
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Recap & Takeaways
Key Takeaways
- Alison Eyring, CEO of Produgie, and her path toward creating the SaaS platform
- SaaS built for service offerings: tech that is built to address pain points in the real world
- Partnering with Organizational Solutions
- Services are profitable, building solutions into the software and offerings that grow with customer needs
- Coaching and consulting is expensive and often out of reach, Produgie wants to change that
- “Well, aren’t consultants always looking to find a way to prolong the engagement?”
- Interdependency between systems, culture, and team dynamics
- Produgie as an aid for HR: Team Impact Board, and an Activation Platform
- Agile practices and putting teams together, the adaptive development plan
- Intentional leadership, ‘Getting Results Long Distance’ and performance management
- Shared leadership and team governance, independence and autonomy
- Kanban boards, accountability, and the problem of prolonging a solution
- No research to support conflict is good for innovation
- Tension and innovation in teams, exploit and explore innovation, predicting business growth
- The Trifecta of Growth — Perform, Energize, Transform
- What makes you successful as a leader now isn’t what will make you a successful leader in the future
- Psychometric assessments, the big five, and Alison’s Growth Leader Framework
- Practicing, checklists, and patterns that make it easier to repeat excellence
- Team performance metrics and surveys with Produgie, finding a cadence that fits with their leadership style
- Dedicating time to a SaaS technology platform, connecting Produgie to Slack and Microsoft Teams
- DIY approaches to service options, and innovations in UI/UX, adaptive organizational tech
- A freemium model for Produgie, Team Productivity without Burnout
- Thinking about the future of the podcast, taking the team alignment survey
- Alison’s hopes for the future of teamwork, creating great groups with technology and AI
- Finding out more about Produgie and Alison
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