November 7, 2023
Episode 66: A Baseline to Better Value Systems with Jeremy Barr
Today’s episode of The Future of Teamwork, hosted by HUDDL3 CEO Dane Groeneveld, features a conversation with Ralf Specht about finding the soul of a company and shaping your desired corporate culture by eliminating unwanted values and behaviors while ensuring your ideal culture remains in place. The two discuss Ralf’s path from working in publishing, to becoming a startup founder, and his writing endeavors as an author. Ralf has written two books, ‘Building Corporate Soul’ and ‘Beyond The Startup,’ both focused on helping leaders build companies with soul. In this talk, Dane and Ralf cover why “soul” is so important to Ralf and the three levels of The Soul System for creating a company culture with a soul, happy and engaged employees, and a sense of belonging, that ultimately outperforms other companies.
Guest Bio
Jeremy mentors founders & execs across 1,100 calls every 90 day window globally (8+ countries a day) across industries sharing what things work cross context and what doesn’t.
Jeremy is a long term mentor who can take you through all the stages as they change on the path from $0-$100 million.
Every 30-60 min call is jam packed.
The decision between a $1 mil product and a $10 mil product is a $9 million decision executives get help with and tools to use all inside of a 30 min call.
Product is one of many of examples…ICP, managing teams, investment, strategy, tactics, mindset, hiring, firing, projections, etc.
$500 a month traded for 4 “$9 million meetings”.
It’s the highest ROI of the week.
Mentoring with Jeremy gives you THE most accelerated and effortless custom step for you to be doing each week.
…all based on your personality, product, situation and more.
You get “calculated on the spot” advice and action items…no general advice you heard before from other mentors or his LinkedIn posts.
Jeremy helps people get from $0 to $100 mil revenue with or without winning investment.
Jeremy has been at been at million $ and billion $ companies, DTC, B2B, public, private, managed teams of teams of people, did $100k a day media buying, AI on a project with the FBI & Secret Service, did and managed nearly every role in a company and now he mentors CEOs globally daily and he’s a VC investor building the worlds largest investor and founder network.
Jeremy also runs global startup pitch events.
His goal is to impact 3 billion humans.
Software to scale even further…coming soon.
Upcoming book in progress: Writing “The Modern Startup Playbook for a 2024-2027 World” with a group of investors, venture studio owners and multi billion $ exit founders.
Jeremy has a vast global network of investors and executors that he loves to share. The point is to positively impact humanity…collaboration not competition. Let’s build together!
I post 1-2 times DAILY.
I live for this…24/7.
I usually sleep 12am to 4am CST consistently when I’m not on calls with U.S., Canada, Singapore, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Europe, Australia and more.
As investors we need “quality” deal flow. Jeremy, his team and network of venture studio owners, accelerators and more are creating that at scale. All capital flows to the highest quality deal flow.
Obsessive mentoring, DEEP people science and DEEP company science is THE unlock for billions.
$200 – 30 min 1:1
$500 a month – 30 min weekly 1:1
Book here:
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Recap & Takeaways
Key Takeaways
- Jeremy’s background in driving human success, his path toward impacting 3 billion people worldwide
- Tracking towards 3 billion people affected by values systems
- Observations as heuristics, asking questions and listening for verbal and non-verbal discovery
- How training and technology fit into Jeremy’s content, mission, and scaling efforts
- Remaining impartial to the money and focusing on the human element of impacting founders’ value systems
- Re-aligning people’s value systems when they’re out of sync
- Thinking about innovation and disruption, the side effects and cut jobs from increases in automation
- Expansion theory and displacement by automation, a conversation about why you should choose to drive automation
- Buying time to stay alive, the employee/employer dynamic and providing mutual value
- A great founder is a great leader, a great leader is a great human. Working with ambitious people.
- Jeremy’s impact happens by leveling up leadership, enjoyment happens in quick and engaging experiences
- Identifying where you are going, gaining clarity, and evolving. Insights into human behavior.
- Setting baselines and practicing nonverbal communication
- Long-term planning and thinking about divergences in employee and employer paths. The value of mapping systems.
- Make everybody aware that you’re listening and then adding value
- The future of non-verbal communication as assisted and analyzed by AI
- Tracking impact, the value of data analytics in Jeremy’s goals, adapting to the AI accelerator
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